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        國(guó)家級(jí)高新技術(shù)企業(yè) ┆ 福建省專利試點(diǎn)企業(yè) ┆ 福建省專利工作先進(jìn)單位 ┆ 漳州市重點(diǎn)納稅企業(yè) ┆ 漳州市消協(xié)認(rèn)證誠(chéng)信單位 ┆ 漳州市文明單位 ┆ 漳州市企業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng)新中心 ┆ 中國(guó)安防協(xié)會(huì)會(huì)員 ┆ 西安交通大學(xué)工業(yè)自動(dòng)化產(chǎn)學(xué)研基地 ┆ 湛江師范學(xué)院信息科技學(xué)院產(chǎn)學(xué)研基地 ┆ 福州大學(xué)物理與信息工程學(xué)院產(chǎn)學(xué)研基地 ┆ 阿里巴巴誠(chéng)信通會(huì)員


        ·12-600V AC/DCV
        ·LED llights up the Voltage reading
        ·FREQUENCY RANGE 0~60Hz

        This tester is designed to have no serviceable parts and is maintenance free. Periodically wipe the tester with a soft damp cloth and mild household cleaner. Do not use abrasives of solvens. Ensure that no water gets inside the equipment to prevent possible shorts and damage.

        安全等級(jí):CAT II

        This tester is designed to have no serviceable parts and is maintenance free. Periodically wipe the tester with a soft damp cloth and mild household cleaner. Do not use abrasives of solvens. Ensure that no water gets inside the equipment to prevent possible shorts and damage.

        This tester is designed to have no serviceable parts and is maintenance free. Periodically wipe the tester with a soft damp cloth and mild household cleaner. Do not use abrasives of solvens. Ensure that no water gets inside the equipment to prevent possible shorts and damage.


        1. Fits in a shirt pocket for convenience.
        2. All outer surfaces are non-conductive for safety .
        3. Detects voltage without metallic contact.
        4. Quickly locates the live, neutral and ground terminals in any receptacle.

        Maximum Volatge CAT II 1000V
        Maximum Volatge CAT III 600V


        安全等級(jí):CAT III


        [2008 NEW PRODUCT CATALOG ][Page 09]

        Designed for low impedance and standard duty fence controllers.
        Indicates fence line or fencer voltage. Highest blinking LED indicates voltage level.

        當(dāng)前產(chǎn)品分類共 有1 頁(yè) / 當(dāng)前于第 1 頁(yè)

        地址:福建省漳州市金峰經(jīng)濟(jì)開(kāi)發(fā)區(qū)金塘路東方科技工業(yè)園 郵編:363000 | 電話0596 2161 618 | 傳真:0596 216 1717 | email:

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              越西县| 和田县| 龙井市| 卢湾区| 西乡县| 鄂托克前旗| 左贡县| 巫山县| 天柱县| 汉沽区| 武宣县| 临朐县| 康保县| 阿尔山市| 镇沅| 长沙市| 扎赉特旗| 扶沟县| 广南县| 靖西县| 确山县| 阜阳市| 黔江区| 长治县| 九江县| 定南县| 河北区| 龙陵县| 贺兰县| 富平县| 方城县| 浦县| 马公市| 福建省| 仙居县| 南通市| 天全县| 襄垣县| 博罗县| 吉隆县| 沅江市| http://444 http://444 http://444